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Mavis Wong

Expressive Arts Therapist (ANZACATA)

MExpArtsTh, AThR, LRSM

澳洲、紐⻄蘭及亞洲創意藝術治療協會註冊藝術 (表達藝術) 治療師

  • ANZACATA Registered Arts Therapist, AThR 澳洲、紐⻄蘭及亞洲創意藝術治療協會 (ANZACATA) 註冊藝術 (表達藝術) 治療師(AThR)

  • Committee & Professional Member of Expressive Arts Therapy Association of Hong Kong 香港表達藝術治療協會委員及專業會員 

  • Master of Expressive Arts Therapy, University of Hong Kong 香港大學表達藝術治療碩士 

  • Bachelor of Multimedia Design, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia 澳洲斯威本理⼯⼤學設計學⼠學位(多媒體設計)

  • LRSM in Piano Performance, Royal Schools of Music, UK 英國皇家⾳樂學院⾼級演奏⽂憑

  • Performance Certificate, Berklee School of Music, U.S. 伯克利⾳樂學院演奏證書

  • Founder of Duett Academy of Music, Duett Academy of Music 創辦人

Mavis Wong is an ANZACATA (Australian, New Zealand, and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association) Registered Arts Therapist (AThR), guest lecturer, and music educator.  She is also the founder of Duett Academy of Music, which integrates music and arts education programs to ensure a fun, creative learning environment to cultivate the musicianship of all-age students through our curriculum.


Mavis is passionate about her teaching. One of her students was the winner of Composer of the year (Hong Kong Music Schools Festival 2017). As a keen promoter of music education, she organized various music workshops such as Music Therapy and Dalcroze Eurhythmics workshops for music learners.


Combining with expressive arts therapy, Mavis is currently cooperating with special needs schools and non-profit organizations, including C.C.C. Kei Shun Special School, HK Caritas, Yan Oi Tong, and Sik Sik Yuen for the elderly music (cognitive training) program as well as teaching as a guest lecturer at Hong Kong Baptist University. She helps Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) children by using expressive arts therapy programs, with a combination of psychology and arts to improve their social interaction, emotion recognition, and expression abilities. Her clients are ASD, ADHD children, stroked patients, cancer survivors, and dementia elderly. 


Rm 108, 1/F, Stag Building

Queen's Road Central

Hong Kong

(Hong Kong Station Exit C, about 6 minutes walk, or Central Station Exit C, about 7 minutes walk)


Mon - Fri: 9am - 8pm

Saturday: 9am - 8pm

Sunday: 9am - 6pm

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